Access to ideas

itdLIVE gives you access to ideas in those everyday work situations where you wish you had someone to ask. Just like a classroom training course, you’re looking for ideas,. Maybe you need ideas on a specific situation. Because itdLIVE content is made up of short videos you can watch just the ideas you need.

Work skills

itdLIVE can help anyone who wants ideas on how to improve their skills at work. We’ve launched with Presenting with Impact, that is, ideas on presentation skills. 

Video Learning

itdLIVE is video based. Short videos on specific ideas. From 30 seconds to more than 3 minutes. Content is in three levels; Full Course, Subject Area, or Individual Idea. You simply decide which level suits you. 


A Full Course is a number of videos on a specific skill area like Presenting with Impact. Each Course is split into Subjects. Presenting with Impact has 11 Subject areas from Body Language to Slide Design. Each one of these Subject areas is made of individual videos.


Videos of learning content are grouped together into Subjects. If you want to get ideas on a Subject then you can watch these videos in a group, as they autoplay from one to the next. For example: if you want ideas on body language when presenting, there is a Subject section on this. It’s a group of around 10 videos to watch together. Or you can watch them as individual Ideas.


You can access individual ideas in videos from 30 seconds to more than 3 minutes. These are ideal if you just want a quick idea, or tip to help with a situation. For example, if you just want an idea on where to stand when making your presentation, then you can search and watch just that video.

itdLIVE gives you ideas on business skills when you want them

When you’ve got a presentation to make and you want some ideas on how to design, or deliver it, itdLIVE is perfect. Just log in and you can access the Full Course, Subject, or Individual Idea videos.

Search & Menu

You can use the search box to find the content you need, or use the drop down menu.

Bespoke learning videos

We can create besopke learing videos specific to your organistaion. This might be to focus on internal systems or processes, or specific projects or initiatives. If you would like to explore how we can create bespoke learning video content for your organistaion, please contact us.

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Check out ideas on developing your presentation skills wherever you are.