Annual subscription

Access to itdLIVE is gained with a simple fee of £29.99 per year.

But your first 7 days are free.

We’ve launched itdLIVE with ideas on presentation skills in Presenting with Impact. This includes over 90 videos in 12 Subject areas. All itdLIVE videos are written and recorded exclusively.

Try itdLIVE – Your First 7 Days Are Free

Subscription access

You can watch each video as many times as you like.

You can watch each video wherever and whenever you like.

Whilst you can’t download, or copy videos, you can pause and replay as many times as you want to.

You can access itdLIVE from any two devices using the same login.

Multiple subscriptions

If you’re interested in getting itdLIVE subscriptions for a number of your people in the organisation, then please contact us for our multiple subscription rates. 

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