online presentation skills training

Online Presentation Skills Training

Our online presentation skills training will give you a thorough foundation to the skill of presenting. We do this through over ninety learning videos which make up the course. This means we go into the smallest details of how to present, to ensure you get the ideas you need.

Each of the learning videos is between 30 seconds and two or three minutes long, so that you can take these bite size learning modules, one at a time or in bunches together.

The content is grouped under subject titles like body language, content and virtual presentation, which means you can learn one section at a time, and at your own pace.

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Access the course for twelve months

With a one off payment of just £29.99 you have access to this course for twelve months. During this time you can look at any and all of the videos as many times as you like. This means you have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the next year.

course agenda

Course Agenda

Our online presentation skills training is a complete guide to presenting. So you get ideas on all aspects of presenting, including presenting virtually.

Presenting Virtually

In the virtual world presenting has become a skill many of us have had to learn and develop. Which means the videos in this section are all the more relevant.

Body Language

Body language is crucial when presneting in the same room or virtually. This makes our videos even more important to watch and reflect on.


How you structure your talk is vital to ensure you get your messge across in a concise and interesting way. For instance, it is easy to include too much content for fear that you will miss something out. Planning your structure at the start is explained in our learning videos.


What you decide to leave out is as importnat as what you decide to put in. Above all it is vital to stick to your objectve and illustrate your key message throughout your talk.

Handling Questions

The online presentation skills course gives you a clear methodology for handling any questions, even the most difficult. In addition it will help you improve your confidence in handling any question.

Managing Nerves

Managing nerves is a key consideration for many people. The course gives you simple ideas on how to deal with nerves so that they do not impede your performance. In other words, they help improve your impact.


The duration of your talk is a key part of your planning. The videos in this section of our online presentation skills training give you ideas on this, so that you can decide what is best for your presentation. In this way the videos are a guide to develop your own thinking, it’s like having a coach.


Organinsing your venue professionaly is an often overlooked aspect of presenting. This makes the videos in this section essential viewing.

See Sample Videos


Planning your talk around your audience and how to engage them are often asked questions in our virtual training courses. The videos in this scetion give you clear ideas on how to do this, which means you can make your presentations that much better for your audience.


These learning videos give you ideas on what to wear when you are presenting; whihc means above all keeping it simple, professional and matching your audience’s expectations, are some of the key messages.


The importance of your voice is accentuated when presenting virtually. This means reflecting and working on your voice is a really important development area for many people.


Your choice of words can make all the difference in how your presentation is received. This means the learning videos in this section are important to reflect on and see how you can develop your approach.

Two hours of learning videos

This online presentaion skills training course is made up of over two hours of learning videos. Each video gives you an idea on one aspect of presenting, which means the structure is clear and simple.

Bite sized videos

Bite sized videos of between 30 seconds and two to three minutes means that you don’t have to watch long drawn out lecture style videos. These are punchy, short and to the point, so you get the ideas quickly.

Learn what you want, when you want

Access to itdLIVE is 24/7, which means you can watch the learning video you need when you want to. If you’re preparing for a presentaion, you can get just the ideas you need on content and structure for example. Or if you need some last minute tips on managing nerves, just watch these videos.The way itdLIVE is organised means you get what you want when you want it.

online presentation skills training content

Online presentation skills training structured by individual idea, subject area and entire course

The online presentation skills training course is structured into three levels:

Course: The entire 2hrs+ content is made up of over 90 learning videos. If you choose to, you can watch the entire course in one or two sessions. So the course gives you the choice on how to view the content.

Subject Area: There are thirteen subject areas, listed above from body language to presenting virtually. This means you can learn one section at a time at your own pace.

Individual Videos: Each video focusses on one point so that you can view each one, reflect and watch again. And if you need a reminder just before your presentation, you can check it out to refresh your approach. So you get training when you need it most.

online presentation skills training updates

Regular Updates

We regularly update the content, which means it’s fresh and answers the questions you have today. For example, this year we’ve added a whole bunch of videos into the online presentation skills training course on presenting virtually.